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Английский словарь американских идиом - arm


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  physiol. abbr. Artificial Rupture Of Membranes physiol. abbr. All Range Movement physiol. abbr. Anxiety reaction, mild mil. abbr. ADP Resources Manager mil. abbr. Ammunition Requirement and Movement mil. abbr. Anti-Radiation Missile 3-let. lang. abbr. Armenian airport code Armidale, New South Wales, Australia ocean sc. abbr. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement meteo abbr. Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring electron. abbr. Audio Rate Modulation softw. abbr. Application Response Measurement gen. comp. abbr. Advanced RISC Machine network. abbr. Atm Router Module gen. bus. abbr. Associate in Risk Management gen. bus. abbr. Attract, Retain, And Motivate gen. bus. abbr. Adjustable Rate Mortgage gen. bus. abbr. Aggressive Risk Management pos. abbr. Associate in Risk Management pos. abbr. Accredited Residential Manager firm name abbr. Advanced Risc Machines firm name abbr. American Russian Matchmaking ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BODY« one of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands  (Mom put her arms around me to comfort me. | Pat appeared carrying a large box under his arm. | a broken arm | with arms folded/crossed (=with your arms bent so that they are resting against your body) | take sb by the arm (=lead someone somewhere by holding their arm))  (Sid took me by the arm and hurried me out of the room. | take sb in your arms (=gently hold someone with your arms))  (Gerry took Fiona in his arms and kissed her.) 2 »WEAPONS« arms weapons used for fighting wars  (The government is cutting arms expenditure. | take up arms (against sb) (=get weapons and prepare to fight))  (Boys as young as 13 are taking up arms to defend the city. | lay down your arms (=put your weapons down and stop fighting) | under arms BrE (=with weapons and ready to fight))  (All available forces are under arms.)  (- see also small arms) 3 »FURNITURE« the arm of a chair, sofa etc is the part you rest your arms on 4 »CLOTHING« the part of a piece of clothing that covers your arm; sleeve 5 arm in arm if you walk arm in arm with someone, you are walking next to them with your arm in theirs 6 be up in arms informal to be very angry and ready to argue or fight  (Residents are up in arms about plans for a new road along the beach.) 7 welcome sb/sth with open arms to show that you are happy to see someone or eager to accept an idea, plan etc  (We welcomed Henry's offer with open arms.) 8 give your right arm to be willing to do anything to get or do something  (I'd give my right arm to be 21 again.) 9 at arm's length if you hold something at arm's length, you hold it away from your body 10 keep sb at arm's length to avoid developing a relationship with someone  (Petra keeps all men at arm's length to avoid getting hurt.) 11 as long as your arm informal a list or written document that is as long as your arm is very long 12 »PART OF GROUP« a part of a large group that is responsible for a particular type of activity  (the political arm of a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]PART OF YOUR BODY OR OF SOMETHING ELSE (arms) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Your arms are the two long parts of your body that are attached to your shoulders and that have your hands at the end. She stretched her arms out... He had a large parcel under his left arm. N-COUNT 2. The arm of a piece of clothing is the part of it that covers your arm. = sleeve N-COUNT 3. The arm of a chair is the part on which you rest your arm when you are sitting down. N-COUNT 4. An arm of an object is a long thin part of it that sticks out from the main part. ...the lever arm of the machine. ...the arms of the doctor’s spectacles. N-COUNT: usu N of n 5. An arm of land or water is a long thin area of it that is joined to a broader area. At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island. N-COUNT: usu N of n 6. An arm of an organization is a section of it that operates in a particular country or that deals with a particular activity. Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company. = wing N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 7. If two people are walking arm in arm, they are walking together with their arms linked. He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife. PHRASE: usu v PHR, oft PHR with n 8. If you say that something costs an arm and a leg, you mean that it is very expensive. (INFORMAL) A week at a health farm can cost an arm and a leg. PHRASE: PHR after v 9. If you hold something at arm’s length, you hold it away from your body with your arm straight. He struck a match, and held it at arm’s length. PHRASE: usu PHR after v 10. If you keep someone at arm’s length, you avoid becoming too friendly or involved with them. She had always kept his family at arm’s length. PHRASE: V inflects 11. If you welcome some action or change with open arms, you are very pleased about it. If you welcome a person with open arms, you are very pleased about their arrival. They would no doubt welcome the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English e~; akin to Latin ~us shoulder, Sanskrit irma ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a human upper limb; especially the part between the shoulder and the wrist  2. something like or corresponding to an ~: as  a. the forelimb of a vertebrate  b. a limb of an invertebrate animal  c. a branch or lateral shoot of a plant  d. a slender part of a structure, machine, or an instrument projecting from a main part, axis, or fulcrum  e. the end of a ship's yard; also the part of an anchor from the crown to the fluke — see anchor illustration  f. any of the usually two parts of a chromosome lateral to the centromere  3. an inlet of water (as from the sea)  4. a narrow extension of a larger area, mass, or group  5. power, might the long ~ of the law  6. a support (as on a chair) for the elbow and fore~  7. sleeve  8. the ability to throw or pitch a ball well; also a player having such ability  9. a functional division of a group, organization, institution, or activity the logistical ~ of the air force  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English ~en, from Anglo-French ~er, from Latin ~are, from ~a weapons, tools; akin to Latin ars skill, Greek h~os joint, arariskein to fit  Date: 12th century  transitive verb  1. to furnish or equip with weapons  2. to furnish with something that strengthens or protects ~ing citizens with the right to vote  3. to equip or ready for action or operation ~ a bomb  intransitive verb to prepare oneself for struggle or resistance ~ for combat  III. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~es (plural) weapons, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~a  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense; especially fire~  b. a combat branch (as of an ~y)  c. an organized branch of national defense (as the navy)  2. plural  a. the hereditary heraldic devices of a family  b. heraldic devices adopted by a government  3. plural  a. active...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 each of the upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. 2 a the forelimb of an animal. b the flexible limb of an invertebrate animal (e.g. an octopus). 3 a the sleeve of a garment. b the side part of a chair etc., used to support a sitter's arm. c a thing resembling an arm in branching from a main stem (an arm of the sea). d a large branch of a tree. 4 a control; a means of reaching (arm of the law). Phrases and idioms an arm and a leg a large sum of money. arm in arm (of two or more persons) with arms linked. arm-wrestling a trial of strength in which each party tries to force the other's arm down on to a table on which their elbows rest. as long as your (or my) arm colloq. very long. at arm's length 1 as far as an arm can reach. 2 far enough to avoid undue familiarity. in arms (of a baby) too young to walk. in a person's arms embraced. on one's arm supported by one's arm. under one's arm between the arm and the body. within arm's reach reachable without moving one's position. with open arms cordially. Derivatives armful n. (pl. -fuls). armless adj. Etymology: OE f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a a weapon. b = FIREARM. 2 (in pl.) the military profession. 3 a branch of the military (e.g. infantry, cavalry, artillery, etc.). 4 (in pl.) heraldic devices (coat of arms). --v.tr. & refl. 1 supply with weapons. 2 supply with tools or other requisites or advantages (armed with the truth). 3 make (a bomb etc.) able to explode. Phrases and idioms arms control international disarmament or arms limitation, esp. by mutual agreement. arms race a contest for superiority in nuclear weapons, esp. between East and West. in arms armed. lay down one's arms cease fighting. take up arms begin fighting. under arms ready for war or battle. up in arms (usu. foll. by against, about) actively rebelling. Derivatives armless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF armes (pl.), armer, f. L arma arms, fittings ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I 1) рычаг 2) плечо, коромысло 3) рукоятка, ручка 4) консоль; кронштейн 5) рбт манипулятор; (механическая) рука 6) лопасть, рычаг (мешалки, смесителя, тестоделительной машины) 7) ветвь, ответвление; участок (цепи) 8) крыло (семафора) 9) хобот (завалочной машины, контактной сварочной машины, станка) 10) тонарм 11) полигр. луч (рулонной звезды) 12) матем. сторона (угла) 13) консоль, привод (магнитной головки) 14) вчт. разрешение запуска; активизация - arm of couple - arm of crane - arm of force - arm of network - arm of resisting couple - arm of stability - actuator arm - aileron toggle arm - anchor arm - articulated arm - artificial arm - beading arm - beat-up arm - bell fulcrum arm - bent arm - bogie arm - boom arm - breaker arm - bridge arm - brush arm - brush holder arm - bucket arm - bucket lift arm - cantilever arm - cantilevered arm - change arm - channel arm of bascule bridge - clamp lifting arm - closed-chain arm - coke-drawing arm - control arm - crop end pusher arm - davit arm - dendrite arm - direct-drive arm - diverter arm - double-crank arm - double-hinged arm - double-swinging arm - double tool change arm - draft arm - drop arm - electrode arm - exchange arm - extendable arm - feed-in arm - flex arm - fore arm - frame head arm - full arm - gate arm - guide arm - handling arm - heeling arm - holddown arm - idler arm - illuminated arm - inboard ranging arm - leveling arm - lever arm - loading arm - locking arm - lower-quadrant arm - machine's built-in robot arm - master arm - mechanical arm - metacentric arm - motional arm - movable arm - movement arm of the torque - multijoint arm - open-chain arm - outboard ranging arm - pen arm - picking arm - pickup arm - pin-puller arm - pitman arm - pivoting arm - pivot...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  рычаг; плечо рычага стрелка (прибора) рукоятка, рукоять arm of a couple Adam's arm anchor arm blade arm cantilever arm cross arm digging bucket arm dipper arm distribution arm erector arm lever arm lining erector arm mast arm ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ручка, рукоятка, рычаг 2) тонарм 3) плечо (радиотелескопа) – parallel-circuit arm – pickup arm – radiotelescope arm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) рычаг; плечо рычага 2) рукоятка; ручка 3) рука (от кисти до плеча) 4) рбт механическая рука, манипулятор 5) движок 6) ветвь, ответвление 7) консоль; кронштейн 8) стрела (подъемного крана) 9) указатель; стрелка (прибора) 10) вооружаться, оснащаться 11) усиливать, армировать (конструкцию) - arm of angle - arm of circuit - arm of couple - arm of lever - contact arm - crank arm - direction arm - extension arm - guard arm - height arm - hock absorber arm - index arm - leading arm - lower arm - push-off arm - radial arm - restraining arm - river arm - side arm - spreader arm - switch arm - trimming arm - waveguide arm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) рука 2) могущество, власть, сила 3) оружие 4) военные действия; 2. гл. вооружать, вооружаться ARM сокр. от adjustable rate mortgage ARM 1) банк., фин. сокр. от adjustable rate mortgage 2) связь, амер. сокр. от accelerated reply mail ARM 1) банк., фин. сокр. от adjustable rate mortgage 2) связь, амер. сокр. от accelerated reply mail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) рука (от кисти до плеча) 2) передняя конечность; передняя лапа 3) ветвь; отросток; вырост 4) луч, рука (у иглокожих) 5) щупальце, рука (у головоногих) 6) плечо (хромосомы) – lower arm – upper arm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. рука (от плеча до кисти) arm sling —- перевязь для (сломанной) руки at arm's length —- на расстоянии вытянутой руки to run into smb.'s arms —- броситься в объятия under one's arm —- под мышкой 2. передняя лапа животного 3. могущество, власть, сила secular arm —- светская власть the long arm of the law —- всемогущество закона; сильные правоохранительные органы 4. административное подразделение; отдел, управление the research arm of a company —- научно-исследовательское бюро корпорации the administrative arm of a school —- административный отдел учебного заведения; учебная часть, ректорат 5. узкий морской залив 6. рукав реки 7. (большая) ветвь дерева 8. рукав (платья) 9. ручка, подлокотник (кресла) 10. спорт. бросок; удар; сила броска, удара 11. сторона угла 12. одна из равных сторон равнобедренного треугольника 13. тех. плечо (рычага) 14. тех. кронштейн, консоль 15. тех. ручка, рукоятка 16. тех. валек (весла) 17. тех. спица (колеса) 18. тех. стрела (крана) 19. тех. рог (якоря) 20. тех. ножка (циркуля) 21. тех. крыло (семафора) 22. загребающая лапа, скребок 23. эл. подвижной контакт, ползун Id: infant in arms —- грудной ребенок Id: at arm's length —- на почтительном расстоянии Id: to rescue smb. from the arms of death —- вырвать из когтей смерти Id: to receive smb. with open arms —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) рука (от кисти до плеча) to fold in ones arms - заключить в объятия under ones arms - под мышкой with open arms - с распростертыми объятиями a child in arms - младенец take smb. by the arm - брать кого-л. под руку  2) передняя лапа (животного)  3) узкий морской залив; рукав реки  4) рукав (платья)  5) ручка, подлокотник (кресла)  6) (большая) ветвь  7) сила, власть the arm of the law - сила закона secular arm - светская власть the long arm of the law -  а) всемогущество закона;  б) сильные правоохранительные органы  8) tech. плечо (рычага); ручка, рукоятка; спица (колеса); стрела (крана) - arms of a balance II  1. noun  1) usu. pl. оружие - in arms - take up arms - lay down arms - arms! - under arms - small arms  2) род войск  3) pl. война  4) военная профессия  5) pl. герб (обыкн. coat of arms)  6) pl.; attr. - arms race - arms cut  2. v.  1) вооружать(ся) also fig. to be armed with information - располагать исчерпывающей информацией  2) заряжать, взводить ...
Англо-русский словарь


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